206-208 EAST 11th ST
NEW YORK, NY 10003
Our church congregation was organized as far back as 1926 under the name “Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Volodymyr” at 334 East 14th St. in NY. For over 30 years of existence with devoted and hard work, as well as generosity of its parishioners the church grew materially , as well as number of parishioners until March 22,1958 the Church Committee along with its pastor decided to sell church building or exchange for a newer larger Cathedral on 82 St. It’s parishioners, founders refused to abandon the church and move to a new location on the West- side where people of Ukrainian descent were non-existent. Ensuing conflict wound up in civil court. The parishioners/founders were forced to leave and the last Liturgy was celebrated late January 1962. With no place to worship Rev. DR. Symon Hayuk and church committee found a place to worship the Swedish Lutheran Church of Gustavus Adolphus at 155 East 23rd St. beginning February 4, 1962 and were celebrated for 1 year. Church Committee consisted of: V. Kudla, A. Tresh, M. Yewush, I.Makarick, I. Lapchak, I. Horodecky, P. Hryhorovich, A. Marko, M. Sosnysky, M. Sobchak, S. Charnecky, P. Stasiuk, G. Yarosh, Hammer, Brigidir.
M. Palchynsla and P. Stasiuk found a Magyar Protestant Church at 206-208 East 11th Street, which the parish purchased for $110,000. In 2 weeks a half the sum was collected.
After certain renovations on December 2, 1962 the 1st Divine Liturgy was celebrated. At the general meeting of the parish it was decided to name the church ALL SAINTS UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH of NY, under this name church officially registered with Court of NYC.
Officers of Church Committee- W. Kudla, J. Makarick, M. Sosnysky constantly beautified the church: icons purchased, handcarved kivot, candlesticks, priestly vestments, service books, etc., and helped elevate the growth and flourishment of the church.
Sunday, November 19, 1967 celebrated 5th anniversary of All Saints Church. A new chapter in the history of All Saints begins on March 16, 1969 when Rev. Ivan Tkaczuk becomes Pastor. With Rev. Tkaczuk suggestion, church Committee along with its parishioners at the General Meeting decide to enter the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America and Canada healed by Bishop Andrei, which is sanctioned by the Ecunemical Patriarchate in Constantinople.
On May 22,1971 members of Church Committee and Rev. Tkaczuk paid a visit to Bishop Andrei asking Him to accept our parish under his arch-pastoral care.
December 12,1971, the first Hierarchial Liturgy was celebrated on the occasion of the blessing of the new iconostasis. Archbishop Andrei, Fr. Peter Hotrovich, Fr. Tkachuk concelebrated. Iconostasis was carved and erected by parishioner Mr. Paul Marko, icons painted by Sviatoslav Horodynsky. During Liturgy, Archbishop Andrei tonsured 3 sub-deacons: Gregory Bazhanda, Joe Urban, John Sobchak. Certificates of Merit were issued to : Mr. Michael Sosnysky and his wife Emilia, John Lapchak, Katherine Zacharko for unselfish work.
March 4, 1973 – blessing of electronic church bells, donated by Nadia Horodecky.
November 3. 1974 – blessing of 4 wall icons: Nativity and Baptism of Jesus Christ, Apostles Peter and Paul, Sts. Volodymyr and Olha and Ukrainian nation flag. Donated by Sisterhood, Maria Romanchuk, K. Kozuch. Spring of 1976, parish hall renovated and new kitchen added. Parish hall served as luncheon hall and Saturday Parish School from 1970-1981. Saturday, September 14, 1983 parish celebrated the 50th anniversary of Father Ivan Tkaczuk’s priestly ordination.
To All Saints Church belongs the Chapel of the Dormition of Theotokos at the SUMA camp in Ellenville which was always served by Fr. I. Tkaczuk since 1958. His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod served the Chapel from 1990-1996.
June 29, 1990 – Very Rev. I, Tkaczuk passed away. Rev. Rekucha served from 1990-1993.
December 19,1993 parishioners and friends witnessed ordainment of Hiero-deacon Pankratij into the priesthood by His Eminence Archbishop Vsevolod. Archimandrate Pankratij served as our pastor up until March 1, 1997.
Archimandrate Pankratij was appointed to Chicago, with the blessing of his Eminance Archbishop Anthony, Rev. Hana’s became our new pastor.
July 14,1997 – parish sustained a terrible loss, the passing of Mr. Michael Sosnysky, founder, church president for more than 30 years. Mr. Petro Plisak was appointed to fulfill the duties of President of the Church Counsel and has fulfilled his position from 1997 till the present.
October 1998 – His Eminence Archbishop Anthony appointed Fr. Andrei Kulyk as pastor and served until his retirement on May 1, 2017. During this period parish President Petro Plisak along with Sisterhood and Church Council organized cultural events, concerts that hosted Svitoslaw Maksymchuk from Ukraine that recited poetry of Ivan Franko “Moses”, Julian Kytasty workshops, East Village Voices, Oksana Likhovid group Ukrainian family, Pavlishyn sisters, Andrij Milavsky hutsul ensemble, Iryna Shankaruk, CYM girl choir Prolisok.
Mykola Holodyk completed iconography of St. Gabriel and St. Michael Archangel and iconography of altar area.
1999- Rev. Lewko brought 4 gold candlestick holders from Pochaiv.
June 12, 2012 – His Eminance Archbishop Anthony conducted dedication ceremony of installation of new façade mosaic created by Vasyl Barabash and assistance from Phillip Ravenburg representing Protection of Mother of God along with faithful past and present along with Bishop in mosaic. Prior to Liturgy George Ostrozhnyuk was ordained to the sub-deaconate. Hramoty were issued to Myra Mandziuk for 35 years of service as financial secretary/treasurer. Vasyl Barabash, Philip Ravenburg artist/assistant of mosaic.
7/26/2016- spiritual retreat to S. Bound Brook, NJ of 30 parishioners to sacred grounds of UOC of the USA with spiritual guidance of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel.
9/21/2016 – spiritual retreat of prayer and reflection to All Saints U.O. Camp in Emlenton, PA., that 28 parishioners visited under spiritual guidance of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel.
May 1, 2017 – Very Rev. Vitaliy Pavlikivskyy appointed as new pastor of our church by His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel.
June 25, 2017 – His Eminence Metropolitan Anthony gave His blessing and His Eminence Archbishop Daniel reinstalled the relics of Holy Great Martyr Barbara into renewed altar and consecrated the renewed altar and refurbished floor of sanctuary and rededicated sacred space of parishes temple.